PSA Interclub Competition 2023-2024

Nature and Open (Monochrome and Color)

      Photographic Society of America (PSA) is an organization that offers photographic competitions and activities that span all continents, for both individuals and camera clubs. Vienna Photographic Society has been a PSA club member for many years. As such we can participate in the PSA Interclub Competitions, where clubs from all over the world compete against one another. Both club honors and individual awards can be achieved. 

This season VPS will participate in Open (Color and Monochrome) and Nature categories of the PSA Interclub Competition.  There are 3 rounds of competitions for each category and deadlines will appear on our club calendar. Entry is via the club website at VPS may only submit six images for each category.   To select which pictures to enter in the Open or PID category (Color and Monochrome), members will vote for their favorite submissions and we will enter the six photos with the most votes into the competition.  As for the Nature competition, a panel of 3 judges will select the 6 nature images to be submitted to PSA.

Planned deadlines for entering the competitions each year are projected around the following dates: Round #1 mid-October, Round #2 mid-January, and Round #3 mid-March.   An email will be sent out to all members regarding actual submission dates.  Additionally, PSA requires a signed release if you ENTER an image in a competition.  So, upon entering one or all three competitions, please forward the VPS PSA coordinator a copy of a signed release form if you have not already done so.  The release is needed by PSA to upload all award winning images on their website and in their internationally published magazine.  A release form is attached within the list of documents below.  Any entries submitted without a release form will be disqualified.  A release form is valid for three years.  Once you have sent a signed release to the VPS PSA coordinator, you will be notified in advance to submit a renewed release form prior to your expiration date. 

IMPORTANT:   No use of AI generation is allowed in images.

Below are important documents that will help you achieve the highest ratings for your images and can also serve as a guide to help you choose/vote on images that will be sent to PSA via our selection process.  To learn more details about each of the competition’s guidelines, please review the following documents:

Guide for PSA Nature Entries

PSA Nature Scoring/Judging Guide

PID Color Description and Scoring Guide

PID Visual Guide Updated

PID Monochrome Description and Scoring Guide

 PSA Release Form - Word Format

PSA Release Form - JPEG Format

Current Image size for the competitions is 1920px x 1080px.


PSA Round 1 - Competitions


The winning images were selected by advanced VPS photographers Bill Mugg, Glen Mai and Joan Axilbund judging via the website with the image authors blinded.  Judges who entered images into the competition could not judge their own images.  The images must follow the PSA Nature definition and rules.  VPS ranked #15 out of 19 clubs in Group B.

David Kepley                                     A Tree Under the Stars                                                 6

Bill Mugg                                           I See You                                                                    12

Glen Mai                                           Bear Cubs                                                                    12

Mary Rabadan                                  An Arc of Leaves                                                           6

Lori Saunders                                    Golden Rays On Silken Sands                                       9

Wayne Wolfersberger                       Eastern Red Columbine with Aphids                             9


Open (PID) Color

Congratulations to Wayne Wolfersberger who received a Merit Award for his photo A Walk in the Park on a Snowy Day.  The six selected images were selected by a VPS member vote via the website with image authors blinded.  VPS ranked #10 out of 24 clubs in Group C.

Kathleen Furey                                  Calla Lily with Leaf                                                        10                                       

Lori Saunders                                    Mia in Golden Light                                                      11                                                                   

Wayne Wolfersberger                       A Walk in the Park on a Snowy Day                              13   Merit Award                        

David Kepley                                     A Riot of Color                                                              10                                

Gloria Spellman                                Family Stroll                                                                     9                                   

Urscia Mahring                                 Winter                                                                              9                                              


Open (PID) Monochrome

The winning images were selected by the VPS membership via the website with image authors blinded.   VPS ranked #15 our of 22 clubs in Group B.

Gloria Spellman                               The Stare                                                                        10

Wayne Wolfersberger                      Moon Light Observers                                                   10

Alana Glaves                                     Winter Black and White                                                  8              

Urscia Mahring                                 Conch Silk and Rye Grass                                                8            

Kathleen Furey                                  Petal Planet                                                                    10                         

Lori Saunders                                    Swannansa Stairway                                                      10



PSA Round 2 - Competitions


The winning images were selected by advanced VPS photographers Gary Perlow, Kathleen Furey, and Gloria Spellman judging via the website with the image authors blinded.  Judges who entered images into the competition could not judge their own images.  The images must follow the PSA Nature definition and rules. 

Glen Mai                                           Bear Cub on Mom                                     10

Gloria Spellman                               Bald Eagle with Fish                                    10

David Kepley                                    A Scuffle                                                       9

Kathleen Furey                                  Pink Petals                                                 10

Bill Mugg                                          Yellowstone Loner                                        7

Mary Rabadan                                   Osprey on Guard                                       10



Open (PID) Color

Congratulations to the image makers of the six selected images.  The images were selected by a VPS member vote via the website with image authors blinded. 

Lori Saunders                                   Black Hole Sun in Blue and Green                     7

Kathleen Furey                                 Shadows and Reflections                                   9

Bill Mugg                                         Sleepy Time                                                        9

David Kepley                                   Umbrella in a Storm                                            9

Gloria Spellman                               The Road Thru Denali                                         7

Wayne Wolfersberger                      Grand Prismatic From Above                             7



Open (PID) Monochrome

Congratulations to the image makers of the six selected images.  The images were selected by a VPS member vote via the website with image authors blinded. 

Kathleen Furey                             Keeping Watch                                                       9

David Kepley                                Layers in Black and White                                      9

Gloria Spellman                           Close Encounter                                                      9

Wayne Wolfersberger                  Bison Eating While Snow Covered                        10

Mary Rabadan                              Springtime Leaves                                                10

Lori Saunders                               Silver Patterns                                                       11



PSA Round 3 - Competitions


The winning images were selected by advanced VPS photographers Glen Mai, Kathleen Furey, and Gloria Spellman judging via the website with the image authors blinded.  Judges who entered images into the competition could not judge their own images.  The images must follow the PSA Nature definition and rules.   Congratulations to David Kepley and Wayne Wolfersberger for their images being awarded an Honorable Mention.

David Kepley                                    Do I See A Mouse                                         11        Honorable Mention

Glen Mai                                           Fox                                                                 8   

Kathleen Furey                                 Lotus Petals                                                    3

Gloria Spellman                               Herons Building Their Nest                            7

Wayne Wolfersberger                      Bull Bison Fight                                              11         Honorable Mention

Mary Rabadan                                  Spring Awakening                                         6


Open (PID) Color

Congratulations to the image makers of the six selected images.  The images were selected by a VPS member vote via the website with image authors blinded.  Congratulations to Gary Perlow for receiving an Award of Merit award fro his image Once Upon a Time.  Congratulations also goes to Gloria Spellman, Kathleen Furey, and Mary Rabadan for their images receiving an Honorable Mention.


Gloria Spellman                               Chirping Golden Fronted Woodpecker               12        Honorable Mention

Gary Perlow                                      Once Upon a Time                                              13        Merit

Kathleen Furey                                 Poppy Curves with Starlight                                12        Honorable Mention

Mary Rabadan                                  Wood Duck Pair                                                  12        Honorable Mention

Bill Mugg                                         Oregon Coaster                                                    10      

David Kepley                                    Waterdrop Collision                                             10


Open (PID) Monochrome

Congratulations to the image makers of the six selected images.  The images were selected by a VPS member vote via the website with image authors blinded.  Congratulations to Gary Perlow for his image receiving an Award of Merit and to Bill Mugg receiving an Honorable Mention for his image.

Bill Mugg                                    Shadow Brothers                                                      11      Honorable Mention

Kathleen Furey                            White Butterflies                                                        9

Gary Perlow                                 Hungry Fish                                                              12      Merit

Wayne Wolfersberger                  Dawn Fog Lifting At Yellowstone Falls                       8

David Kepley                               Moon Over El Capitan                                                7

Gloria Spellman                          Hippo                                                                          8



End of Year 2023-2024 Competitions

PSA had their year-end competition during the summer similar to our own EOY competition.  This competition includes all photos that received a Merit/Honorable Mention Award during the competition year.  Congratulations, to Gary Perlow who received the Best in Show for his photo “Hungry Fishin the Open Monochrome category!  Best in Show award is just as it states, the judges have deemed the image as the best in category for the entire competition year.  Well done, Gary!



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